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Chapter Submission

The word limit of the full-length paper for a peer-reviewed joint publication in the form of a book is 8,000 words including footnotes. Submission of full-length papers is expected by 15 February 2023. All papers are quality-controlled after submission. Papers that do not meet our requirements are returned to the authors for correction.

Manuscript structure

All articles are unique but as a general rule the main text should comprise the following sections, as appropriate:
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • References
  • Numbered endnotes (optional)
  • Figures legends (included in a list at the end of the paper)*
  • Tables
  • Acknowledgements (optional)
  • Ethical statements (all papers)
  • Supplementary Information (optional)**.
*Figures must be uploaded as separate files (one per figure) and accompanying legends should be included in the main article file. If any figures contain sub-sections (e.g. parts a, b, etc), these should be grouped together in one file. **Any supplementary information (e.g. appendices) should be combined and supplied as a single separate file.

Author Information

When requested to include author information in your submission, we ask that only the following details are provided in the uploaded files:

  • Author names
  • Indication of the corresponding author including email address
  • Affiliations (institution and country only).
  • Authors should not include
  • Job titles
  • Qualifications
  • Biographies

Criteria for the Abstract/Chapter Review Process

  1. Relevance to the thematic sections of the Book.
  2. Significance for theory, policy, and practice.
  3. Relevant background information (theoretical/empirical/other).
  4. Embeddedness in the relevant literature.
  5. Aims and research questions.
  6. Research design (qualitative/quantitative/mixed) and method (context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure, ethical issues).
  7. Clarity and robustness of theoretical argument.
  8. Clarity of results and conclusions.
  9. The overall quality and scientific originality.
  10. Significance for academic debate

Guidelines for the Chapter Submission:

  • There can be no more than 2 co-authors
  • Authors should use UK English spelling
  • Avoid technical jargon wherever possible, explaining it clearly when it is unavoidable
  • Keep abbreviations to a minimum, particularly when they are not standard
  • If you must use an abbreviation, make sure you spell it out fully in the text or legend the first time it appears
  • Clearly explain the background, rationale and main conclusions of your study
  • Write titles and abstracts in language that will be readily understood by any academic
  • Authors should ensure submitted files are in an accepted format. If a paper is submitted in an unsupported file type it may be returned to you after an initial screening by the editorial team. We only accept the following file formats: doc docx.
  • Non-standard fonts should be avoided, please use the default Arial, Roboto or Times New Roman fonts.
  • For the inclusion of graphics, we recommend SVG- Smart Vector Graphic.
  • For the inclusion of images, we recommend PNG OR JPEG format.
  • Harvard Style of Referencing should be used for citations and bibliography. View the Harvard Style guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.
  • References should be included within the manuscript file itself as our system cannot accept BibTeX bibliography files. Authors who wish to use BibTeX to prepare their references should therefore copy the reference list from the .bbl file that BibTeX generates and paste it into the main manuscript file (and delete the associated \bibliography and \bibliographystyle commands).
  • All figures should be uploaded as separate files (one per figure) and not be embedded in the article text
  • Figure sub-sections (e.g., Fig 1a, 1b) should not be split into separate files, but be combined into one single file per figure
  • Figure legends should be included as a list at the end of the article file, rather than in the figure files.
  • Please use the graphic/image file size preferably between 2 MB and 25 MB, that provides sufficient resolution for their content to be clearly legible.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any figures or illustrations that are protected by copyright.
  • Title should be descriptive of the main findings, ideas or arguments presented, giving the reader a clear sense of the paper's content. Verbose or opaque titles should be avoided Redundant wording, such as ‘A study of…’, ‘A review of…’ or similar, should be avoided should not exceed 20 words or be written in block capitals it can be split into two parts using hyphens or colons, but should not contain full stops, semi-colons or subtitles.
  • All authors must include the following two separate sections at the end of their manuscript, irrespective of the nature of the research reported: Ethical approval and/or Informed consent. Where these statements are not applicable, the authors should state so. Separate declarations will be provided to the authors to sign before submitting their final manuscript.
  • At Sewa International, we understand how important it is to maintain copyright infringement, plagiarism, and other best practices in publication. We always investigate any claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles to protect the rights of our authors. Furthermore, we have a commitment to protecting the reputation of our publication against malpractice. To that end, all submitted articles are checked for duplication with software designed specifically for that purpose. If an article is found to have plagiarised other work, for example, or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, we reserve the right to take action. This includes, but is not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction) retracting the article taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author's institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies or taking appropriate legal action.

Happy to Help

For editors and reviewers to accurately assess the work presented in your manuscript you need to ensure the English language is of sufficient quality to be understood. If you need help with writing in English you should consider:

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Site 11, Near SD Public School,
West Patel Nagar,
New Delhi - 110008

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